100% Work Firmware Andromax R i46d1g Lollipop

100% Work Firmware Andromax R i46d1g Lollipop | Blog PunyaLinks - Hi buddy Blog PunyaLinks, as usual Blog PunyaLinks will share or post new articles entitled 100% Work Firmware Andromax R i46d1g Lollipop , for top posts / queries Blog PunyaLinks read a lot about how to flash firmware 100% work , stock rom and flashing, how to root android device, download drivers android, cara flash via fastboot, flashtool, custom rom trwp, download system.img, recovery.img, fashboot.img, cara mengatasi bootloop tanpa pc, install without pc, and etc . . Alright, go back to the topic of the article 100% Work Firmware Andromax R i46d1g Lollipop which is a category of Android, Andromax, Articles, Download Files, Firmware, So you can also browse other interesting articles through the category or label, to read related posts about 100% Work Firmware Andromax R i46d1g Lollipop . To continue this article please refer to in the next paragraph to the end of the post...

100% Work Firmware Andromax R i46d1g Lollipop

Free download Firmware Andromax R i46d1g lollipop untuk mengatasi bootloop, brick qdloader hs USB 9008 gara2 salah firmware.
Cara flash Andromax R i46d1g ada dua cara
Yang pertama menggunakan tf update atau SDCard
Untuk TF Update nya silahkan cari di google sudah banyak yabg share.

Dan cara kedua menggunakan Qfil atau Qualcomm tool lainnya.
Untuk yg mau pakai TF Update silahkan download Firmware nya.
Cara nya extract dan masukan ke SDCard diluar folder, kemudian pasang SDCard ke Andromax R i46d1g, dalam keadaan mati tekan volume +bawah +power hingga proses TF Update berjalan, jika mengalami error silahkan lanju dengan cara yang kedua yaitu menggunakan qfil.

Untuk cara flash andromax R menggunakan qfil ada bahan yang harus dipersiapkan yaitu:
1. PC/laptop
2. Driver
3. Qfil/qpst
4. Firmware Andromax R i46d1g untuk Qfil

md5: 235f73e030157d4af3ceddd9e01f5ec9

Untuk lebih jelas nya silahkan lihat video, cara nya sama seperti di video.

platform: msm8916, cpu abi: armeabi-v7a
manufacturer: Hisense
board: msm8916, name: I46D1G
brand: Smartfren, model: Andromax I46D1G
build id: LRX22G, version: 5.0.2 Lollipop (LRX22G release-keys)
build description: I46D1G-user 5.0.2 LRX22G L1074L.6.03.01 release-keys

Next akan coba share cara repair imei dan meid Andrimax R i46d1g

In closing the article about 100% Work Firmware Andromax R i46d1g Lollipop I hope it can be useful for those of you who are looking for article references like the one in this article and find the solution only on Blog PunyaLinks.

Android, Andromax, Articles, Download Files, Firmware

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